Here it is a nice Monday in early March and time for a post I think. This time around a summary of how my training schedule has looked since the Tinkerbell Half just over a month ago.
So first let's do this by the numbers. February saw 89 miles of running logged, up from the 73 miles I logged in January. I ran every day in February for at a minimum of a mile and on most occasions at least 2 or 3. This month was the first half of my aerobic base building on this training cycle, consistent mileage at a slower pace every day. I feel like I'm better prepared for my mileage than I have been before and the second half of that base building this month should leave me in still better shape as I progress up to daily 5 mile runs by the end of the month.
Also this month I started to kick up my ancillary work by adding a warm-up and expanding my cool-down on my runs throughout the week. I've added in a Lunge Matrix (from Jason at Strength Running) before each run and will likely be expanding that to a couple of other warm-ups as time goes on. Adding more core work to my routine has helped strengthen my running if only in the subjective range. I've also been doing some work on increasing my turnover rate on my runs, another thing that seems to have met with success last month.
So where do I want to go from here? Well more running of course, but more importantly expanded ancillary strength work and further work on my turnover. I'm planning in the next month to expand my static gymnastics style work to help try and expand my exercise options to handstand work and planches, and continue working my l-sit and various other strength exercises. I've been making good progress lately and hope to continue it. Hoping by the end of the month that I'll be able to manage a pistol squat on each leg (just the one will be an improvement I'm happy with), and a successful frog stand at least (possibly further on my way toward inverted work). That and keeping my diet clean should keep me on track toward my long term goals.
So for those interested how's my weight doing? 201.3, down 2 from my last update. Doing alright on that front, just have to make sure to keep the progress in the right ways.
Monday, March 5, 2012
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