It’s Sunday afternoon, which means this is a bit later than I expected, so it’s time for my weekly weigh-in.
I mentioned last week that I was gonna buy a scale, and I did. So starting this week my weight will be provided by said scale rather than through Wii Fit.
With graduation and the end of finals this week it wasn’t easy, but I feel like I did alright with the food this week. I also had some issues with my exercise for the week after I had to get an ingrown toenail dealt with and that cut into my new exercise regimen, but more on that later.
My hope for the summer is that, with a more flexible work schedule to open things up a bit, I can have the time to actually make dinner on a regular basis. I’m setting an optimistic goal of cooking dinner at least 5 nights a week. Not sure that’ll actually pan out, but it’s a goal at least.
Well, formalities out of the way I think it’s time for the actual weigh-in. This weeks weight is 259.4. That puts me down 2.7 since last week, and 23.7 since January. Not sure what's gonna happen the first couple weeks here with my summer job, but hopefully I can keep up the progress. Until next week, live the way you want to be.
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