Been quite a while since I've posted anything in this space. Had some thoughts on the run this weekend that it might be time to change that a little.
So Sunday morning started as my Sundays often do with a run. This Sunday saw me, again as I often do, climbing the hill north of the apartment which has Talliesin West, fancy house made by Frank Lloyd Wright. As I was running up and down the hill in the morning air I had some thoughts. I am not the man I once was, nor am I the man I thought I would be. I'm better.
Years ago I participated in a charity walk up South Mountain for cancer research, a noble cause and something I'm glad I did. Someone affiliated with our group ran up the mountain that day and I remember saying to him after the fact, by way of congratulation, "I could never do that". For the longest time I thought that was true. That there were some things that I just wasn't able to do because that's not who I was. I'm happy to say that I've managed to prove me wrong. I can do that. While I've not done that specific event or run I've done that. I've run a half marathon, two of them even, I managed to just run 14 miles on Sunday because I could (and I almost certainly could have gone further had I bothered to bring any water). I've done things I literally used to think I'd never be able to do. I'm a better me than I used to think was possible.
I've realized through my life experiences that many of the limits that I've taken without question in my life were self imposed. Things I never thought I'd do, foods I didn't like, things that didn't interest me. Many of them were only foreign to me because I'd either decided I wanted them to be or just decided that's the way things where. It's only when I've begun to question those notions of what my limits are, what things I've never tried might be fun or tasty or possible, that I've been able to find my way past my assumptions into unexplored and amazing territory.
While up on the mountain as it were I was struck with some inspiration. Not just about the running, which I do because I love it regardless of how beneficial it may or may not be to my overall health and fitness, but also about some goals and some plans for achieving them regarding my general training. Firstly I came back reinvigorated with a desire to work on gymnastics/bodyweight skills as a way of improving not only my strength but my body awareness and my flexibility. As a result, and most likely with some help from the wonderful nerds over at NerdFitness I'm gonna be putting together a new training plan, and you all know how much I love designing training plans. So far I'm thinking 2 parts pushing, 2 parts pulling, and 1-2 parts legs done about 3 times a week with the other days being filled with some skill work and some core work. That plus my running should help give me a decent base of fitness to enable me to accomplish most things that get in my way.
So with a general format for a training plan in mind what the hell are my long term goals? Well thanks for asking! Firstly a running goal, I'm gonna finish a marathon, and beyond that I'd really like to try and run a sub-3:00 marathon at some point. That's a really long term goal though so for now I'm gonna set my goal as finish and my not-goal as do it under 4:30. Really that's my only specific running goal and I'm ok with that for now. Eventually it'll probably expand to include a HM PR shooting for 1:55 or something but that won't be happening for a while yet.
That leaves me with some strength goals next. I'd really like to be able to do a muscle-up for a couple reasons. First it's a really impressive looking skill and being able to do one is therefore pretty sweet. Secondly, and a little more helpfully, it would actually come in handy for me at work from time to time to be able to grab a platform edge over my head and be able to lift myself up onto it. It's also a skillset that should transfer to rock climbing which is something I'd like to get into doing more often because it's always been fun when I've done it in the past. Second strength skill I'd like to master is the pistol squat and it's close cousin the weighted pistol. I'm already making some really great progress on this front and should hopefully be there within the fairly near future. The increased leg strength seems already to have helped my running slightly and I'm hoping that the practice will help further in injury proofing my body if not in increasing my speed or endurance. The third strength related skillset I'd like to master is back related. I'd like to be able to go from a standing position into a bridge and back to standing (also from the bridge into a handstand would be nice but that's a separate goal path). Again I'm making some pretty good progress already just need to focus in a bit on it. My work on this one over the past months seems already to have helped with some back pain I was having and not unlike the muscle-up this skill is a neat party trick. When people see me press up into a bridge from the floor it's pretty impressive so I'd imagine it's only more so to be able to get there from a standing position. Being a cool-looking skill is a good reason to make something a goal right?
So there's a brief list of goals for the next little while and some ideas about how my training might look. It's not completed nor is it a perfect plan but it's something and it's something I like and that I can work toward, and more importantly inform my training. So there you have it, a revelation from the mountain top about the path that has led me to be the me that I am, and which will lead that me to be the me I can become.
Until next time, be the you you want to be especially if it's a you you never thought possible.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
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