Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 36)

Sunday again and time for another installment of the weekly weigh-in.

I feel like I did pretty well with the fruits and veggies this week, in addition to my regular eating for work I went out of my way a bit and got a salad from Paradise Cafe once or twice this week. One good thing I can say about work, it keeps me from eating too much for most of my meals as I don't have the time to eat more than a fairly healthy portion of anything.

But what am I doing other than just eating more fruits and veggies and managing my portions? Working of course. At first I didn't really think that what I'm doing for work was going to be doing that much to help my weight loss, but recently I've been reevaluating that assessment.

Since sometime early this summer I've been carrying a cheap pedometer with me on a daily basis. It's not calibrated properly as I've never found the time and initiative to line up together, and it's not very accurate either, but it at least gives me a rough estimate of how my days compare to one another. My average day at work is averaging about 4-5 times what my days at work this summer were running. Lots of moving around and being on my feet means more calorie burn, and it's apparently a lot more than I realized.

That said, I can always do more. In addition to the running I've still not managed to start doing due to a combination of weather and scheduling, I'm looking around for a place to study martial arts again. I did some martial arts training when I was younger and liked it a lot, and I'd like to get back into it for the health and fitness benefits and a number of other reasons besides. So that's where I am with that for now, looking around and trying to see what I can find and afford.

Well, now the big ending, what does the scale have to say this week? 230.6, down 3.8 pounds from last week. This puts my overall weight loss since I started tracking my weight regularly at 52.5 pounds, around the weight of a 7 year old child. Keeping a good pace so far, hoping I can keep it up.

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