Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 38)

It's Sunday again and time for my weekly weigh-in.

Going to be a short post this week as I have work coming up in a little while.

In terms of eating I think I've been doing really well recently, making more food at home, eating a whole lot more fruit. I'm feeling really great both physically and mentally. This week will be the first full week of Lara's job waking me up early in the morning. Some would say that's an annoying thing and a problem, I see it as an opportunity to be up early to go for a good run, so tomorrow I'm going out for a run. I'll be sure to let you all know how that goes.

So, what does the scale have to say about me this week? 227.6, same as last week. Down 55.5 pounds so far since January, and only about 20 pounds from my current goal. I'm hoping the running can help me keep going on the push toward that goal, but only time will tell.

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