Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 39)

Tis Sunday yet again and time for another installment of the weekly weigh-in.

Feeling really good right now. Ate a lot of fruit this week and I think that helped. I've really been feeling great these past few weeks, lots of energy and really just feeling better all around than I have been. Made it out for a run this week, only the one sadly but it felt good and I am hoping to get in two or three this week. Once I'm actually keeping to it a little more I'll talk a bit about what I'm doing in terms of my workouts, but for now I'm not steady enough with anything to consider it a plan.

Got a new phone this week, shiny iPhone 4, and have a couple apps on it for tracking calories. I'm going to give them a try and see if they help keep me on track or not.

So, what does the scale have to say? 223.8 this week. Down 3.8 from last week. That puts me down nearly 60 pounds since I started in January. Progress is steady and rewarding, here's hoping I can keep it up.

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