Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 51)

Sunday yet again and time for the weekly weigh-in.

This has been a rather fun week for me. Been trying some new things with my diet that so far seem to be working out alright for me, I'll go into greater detail about that in a couple weeks. For now let's just say, I've been enjoying the changes to my eating habits for the most part.

Well, as some of you commented after my last post, it's gonna take more than running to look like the picture I posted here last week. So this week I'm going to talk about what I've started doing recently that isn't running in terms of exercise, and to ramble for a while in relation to the blog from which I got the workout.

Firstly, the workout. The past couple weeks I've replaced my running, don't worry I'll be coming back to that before too much longer, with some resistance training. Specifically I've been doing the Beginner Bodyweight Workout from Nerd Fitness. It's a fairly simple workout overall, bodyweight squats and lunges working the lower body, pushups and dumbbell rows working the upper body, plank and jumping jacks to round things out with some core work. Since I spend most of my time on the second floor I usually replace the jumping jacks with flights of stairs, but other than that, I've been doing variations on that workout for the past couple weeks. So far I've been doing abbreviated versions to work my way up in terms of ability, last week it was 1 half set, 1 whole set, and 1 half set; next week it'll be 1/.5/1 instead and working up from there. I've already been noticing improvement in my skill, and am already looking at ways to make the exercises work for me in the longterm as well.

Now, a little rambling about Nerd Fitness. Nerd Fitness is a blog written by a guy named Steve Kamb. Like myself he's a self-professed nerd and it shows in much of his writing. He's also a big fitness buff. While I don't always agree with everything he posts most of the stuff I see on the site is top notch. Like with everything, don't take all that you read on the internet at face value, but do your own research and see what you figure out. Most of what I see at his site resonates with my own research into the subjects and thus I put a lot of it to use. I expect I'll end up using a lot more of his tips as time goes on, but we'll have to wait and see. For now, I will say with certainty if you are a nerd, and you are interested in being in better shape, or even just keeping yourself in the good shape you are already in, Nerd Fitness is a blog that you should check out. But you don't have to take my word for it.

Now, on to the numbers. What do I have to show for my dietary changes and nearly a year of weight loss? 198.2, down 2.6 pounds since last week. Down 84.9 overall, a full 30% of my starting weight. Nearing where I plan to try and hold my weight in the long term, so hooray for continued good news. Until next week, be whatever you want to be, but make it awesome.

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