Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 63)

Sunday again and time for the weigh-in.

Well, this weeks post is gonna be short, as the weekend has been consumed by moving.

Kept working on my pushups by greasing the groove this week, and I feel like I've made serious progress on that front. Went for a nice run early in the week as well. Starting next week I'm going to be working on Occam's Protocol in the fitness center here at the apartment, equipment permitting of course. Past that it's all gonna be about how much I can manage to eat and of what. I'll probably increase the frequency of updates a bit in some form, posting a quick blurb with how the workout went when I do a Protocol workout, weights, reps, and a summary of the caloric intake of the days since the last workout. Each week I'll likely through in a section at the bottom of this post with the update calorie goals for the following week, and possibly some tape measurements of various muscle areas. We'll have to see how this evolves as time goes on.

For now, let's just get you the numbers for this week shall we? 202, same as last week. Stalled a bit it seems, but at least it's not dropping. Body fat is still hovering around 9.5% which I'm fine with. As for caloric goals the Protocol reccomends 20 calories per pound of lean mass for 10 pounds more than your current weight, so that's 3845, and further it suggests 1.25 grams of protein for each pound of lean mass, so 182g per day. We'll see how well I can manage that going forward. Until next week, be the you you always wanted to be.

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