Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 29)

Sunday again and that makes it time for another weigh-in.

This week's post is going to be short. I've got a lot going on with the wedding tomorrow and I sadly don't have the time to put together a post the way I normally do. Hopefully will be able to do better next week.

The scale, not mine this week as I forgot it in Tucson when I came up for the wedding, tells me I currently weigh 249.4 which is up 1.4 from last week. Not at all good, but I'm going to blame it on being on the run all week instead of ever having the time to relax and actually care about what I'm eating beyond it's existence as food. Really hoping next week will be better, but if not I'll just ride it out and deal with life as it happens.

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