Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Link Dump the 4th

Sunday morning means another link dump. Got 5 links for you today, so without much fluff here you are.

Cool Math Teacher A video of a teacher's Halloween activities in his class.
Tangerine An amusing mash-up video of some lines from Dark Knight.
15 of the Worst Products in the World The title there really says all I feel it needs to, thanks to Raf for this one.
Poker Face A dramatic reading of the song by Lady Gaga
A Costume A wonderful costume straight from Imperial R&D.

Here's hoping I can get a few more posts going on than I have been. Either way, I'll be back next Sunday with more links.

A Random Crazy Idea

As most likely all the people who will read this via my facebook,  and almost certainly the few who read this via my blog, know, I'm getting married. In case you didn't already know, the likely date is to be next August. Lara doesn't particularly like to fly, and we were both interested in going to the family reunion being held the end of next August in Nova Scotia, so we hit upon the idea of driving. It would be a long trip, but we could use it as an excuse to see a lot of cool things and visit people neither of us sees often.

Why am I telling you this? I've never been to many of the places we'd be driving through, and you might have. As a result you may have useful insight into things that are fun to do. If you do, feel free to post a comment. A Google map of the currently planned route can be found here. And at the bottom of this post I'll drop a list, in order, of the current states/provinces that the route would take us through. In addition to fun things to see, suggestions of places to stay and eat are more than welcome. Those of you who are friends with Lara on her facebook have possibly seen her note about this, so don't feel compelled to post here too.

Italicized states are those that are close to the planned path and as a result we'd probably pass through if we can just to say we did (I'm a completionist like that, have to hit all the states someday :P) Stuff in parenthesis are places we'd likely visit, usually because one of us has family there. We've been tossing around a few alterations to the map, like going through Missouri and Kansas instead of Iowa and Nebraska, but this is what we're looking at right now at least.

So feel free to comment with ideas, telling me I'm crazy, or just whatever.

New Mexico
Georgia (Atlanta)
South Carolina (Greenville)
North Carolina
West Virginia
Washington, D.C.
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
New Hampshire

New Brunswick
Nova Scotia (probably visiting Prince Edward Island, and Fort Halifax)
New Brunswick

Illinois (Chicago)
Colorado (Denver)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday Link Dump the 3rd

Sunday morning, time for another batch of links from around the net.

Giant Treehouse Like many, I will admit having desired as a child to make a giant treehouse similar to this type of thing. It's awesome to see that someone actually did.
Alt-F4ever! A video from the SMBC Theater site, this one a Halloween special.
Anvil Launching You read that right. Anvil Launching. Thanks go to Daniel R. for the link.

I'm hoping that this week at least 1 non-linky post will pop up.