Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 27)

It's Sunday yet again, and time for another installment of the weekly weigh-in.

Late post again this week. Had work this afternoon which didn't help matters and had some baking to do this morning that threw off my normal schedule. Work is having a dessert night tomorrow for the staff and as a manager I am responsible for bringing at least one dessert. Being myself, I decided to be ambitious and am bringing a few desserts because of a couple reasons, I love to cook, I have a lot of stuff sitting in the pantry I don't feel like moving with, and clearly it means I'm better than the other managers. (Just kidding by the way if any of the rest of them read this.)

The hardest part about dessert night? It will have nothing to do with the baking but everything to do with the dessert. Dessert is a continuing issue for me. I always want it to help finish out whatever meal I'm having, but it's either too expensive (a blessing in disguise), or I just shouldn't do it because I don't need the calories. So when dessert night comes, I may end up not really eating much at all. But you know? There's nothing wrong with that, and I need to force myself to do that more often if I'm going to get anywhere.

I apologize to those of you that read this all the time if I'm sounding like a broken record. Sometimes I feel like one to be honest. I struggle with the same things week after week, the same way I have for months and years. The difference is now I at least make an effort, while before I just took the easy road without question. So while I may not yet be making the smart decision enough for my taste, I'm at least thinking about the choice more than I had before.

Well, enough of that, now on to the actual numbers. The scale tells me today that I'm at 246.2, which is down .8 from last week. Seems like I must be doing something at least sort of right. Just going to have to keep trying to make the smart choices and hope things work out. So far it looks like they have been.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 26)

Really late in the day this time around, but it's still Sunday which means it's time for my Weekly Weigh-in.

This week has been rather busy, lots of work, a day trip to Phoenix for a birthday and some wedding related meetings, birthday festivities here in Tucson as well, trips to multiple new restaurants I've never been to here in Tucson, all around just a hectic week. But really though is that really that different from any other week? I never seem to know what will happen in terms of my food until when it happens, or more than a day or so before when I have the time to plan cooking meals.

When I'm faced with that type of situation is it really any surprise I struggle with my eating? No, but that's still not an excuse. Much as my life may not be conducive to eating well, I still need to make the effort to make the best of what food options I have available to me. This week was another example of my tendency to eat too much of everything, which was not at all helped by the fact I was at two places that I had never been to before, both of which had numerous delicious looking items on the menu. Rather than doing the wise thing and limiting myself to just one thing, I ended up in both cases getting an entree, and an appetizer or two. I told myself I'd split them with people at the table, but really I knew enough going in to have know better. I'd end up eating all of them regardless of whether or not I intended for it to be shared.

That is a situation I find myself in often, through entirely my own folly. It is something I know I will struggle with for a long time, and something I need to learn to keep in check better. Life is nothing if not unpredictable, and I need to be able to live with that in a way that lets me live with myself.

So, how much damage did I do to my weight this week with that overeating? The scale tells me 247, which is down .2 pounds from last week. Small losses again, but I'll take small losses over gains every time. They build up toward a place I want to be. Eventually, I'll get there, and it's gonna be totally worth it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in

Sunday morning brings me back to the time for the weekly weigh-in.

This week was a bit crazy for me. Fourth of July was awesome, lots of fun times with good friends, good food, and some good beverages as well. Monday evening had a trip up to Phoenix, Tuesday a lot of wedding planning and the associated running around town. Wednesday was originally going to be Jury Duty, but I got released before I had to go in and it turned into more running around and wedding planning. The rest of the week was work, catching up on chores and things I should have done, and some socializing with friends here in Tucson. All in all, a good week. Except perhaps for my weight.

During all of that I never really had time to sit down and eat anything that was really that good for me, mind you all the food was good just not always a good decision. My overeating tendencies kicked in a lot, and that probably wasn't good for me. Sometimes though, it's not all bad when that happens I think, as long as I own up to it and try and do better in the future there are a lot worse things than occasional overeating that I could be having to deal with.

So what do the numbers say this week? 247.2, which is down .8 from last week. Still making progress, I'm gonna credit the aforementioned running around for that. This week I'm gonna try and be better about the overeating, something I've said often and had varying levels of success with. So until the next time remember, every little bit helps.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in

Sunday morning again, and this time a holiday, and time for another installment of the weekly weigh-in.

This week feels like it went pretty well. Had some good times with friends all throughout the week, which is never a bad thing, had a nice productive couple days of work where a lot of things got done, didn't get the extra exercise in that I had been hoping, but work took care of some of that for me. Also importantly I didn't have any feeling this week of having over-eaten, which is a frequent problem for me if I'm not careful. Now, today is probably not going to be exactly stellar for my track record in the realm of over-eating, but it's the 4th of July and I feel like I've planned ahead for it enough I should be alright.

This week is going to be a deviation from previous weeks in that it will involve a trip to Phoenix for some wedding planning and civic duty all rolled into one short trip through the state. Not sure what all that will have in store for me in terms of food and various activity, but I don't suspect I will have huge amounts of problems as a result of it as long as I keep on top of my eating.

Well, let's get to numbers shall we? Scale tells me this morning that I'm at 248, which is down 1.2 from last week. That puts me down just over 35 pounds since I started tracking my weight back in January. It's awesome to watch how all the little numbers slowly add up to big changes. While I may not have dropped as much by now as I originally thought I was going to, that's because the me that started along this path had nowhere near as much understanding of how hard it would actually be as the me that types this now. I never expected it to be easy, but he was a fool and thought the early losses would continue at near to the same rate until he wanted them to stop when he was at a better weight. I know better now. Losing this weight isn't easy, but it is worth every but of effort it takes, and I'm going to put in what I need to to get out the final results I want, no matter how long that takes.

Thanks to everyone who has been there for me with encouraging words, and helpful suggestions, through the past 6 months. I appreciate your support.