Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ruminations at the start of a year.

I'm really bad at this whole blogging thing aren't I? Haven't even been keeping up with the one scheduled thing I try to do here. I'll do my best to try and post at least one Link Dump a month, and other stuff as I have the time. I've got the majority of 2-3 posts already worked out, just have to actually make them.

Anyway, a little meat for the post shall we?

Just got back to school from Winter break. Break was great, always nice to spend time with the family and not having school or work to get back to. I would have loved to have more time off, but I'm also somewhat glad to be back because now I get to spend time with my "other family" here. Over break I was the best man in a friends wedding, congratulations on that by the way if you read this. Lara and I also started getting serious about planning ours, which involved some work on a guest list, a day trip to Sedona to scout out some possibilities of getting married up there, and a trip to a big wedding expo in Phoenix just yesterday. It's a very interesting experience trying to plan something like this, like nothing of done before and probably not very much like anything I'll ever plan in the future. That's what's been up with my life recently, oh and actually graduating from school in May.

As I said, hoping to post at least once or twice a month, but I really can't make promises about this cause I'm forgetful, and have little idea what my schedule for the semester will hold. So, until the next time I'm here, enjoy yourself.