Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 36)

Sunday again and time for another installment of the weekly weigh-in.

I feel like I did pretty well with the fruits and veggies this week, in addition to my regular eating for work I went out of my way a bit and got a salad from Paradise Cafe once or twice this week. One good thing I can say about work, it keeps me from eating too much for most of my meals as I don't have the time to eat more than a fairly healthy portion of anything.

But what am I doing other than just eating more fruits and veggies and managing my portions? Working of course. At first I didn't really think that what I'm doing for work was going to be doing that much to help my weight loss, but recently I've been reevaluating that assessment.

Since sometime early this summer I've been carrying a cheap pedometer with me on a daily basis. It's not calibrated properly as I've never found the time and initiative to line up together, and it's not very accurate either, but it at least gives me a rough estimate of how my days compare to one another. My average day at work is averaging about 4-5 times what my days at work this summer were running. Lots of moving around and being on my feet means more calorie burn, and it's apparently a lot more than I realized.

That said, I can always do more. In addition to the running I've still not managed to start doing due to a combination of weather and scheduling, I'm looking around for a place to study martial arts again. I did some martial arts training when I was younger and liked it a lot, and I'd like to get back into it for the health and fitness benefits and a number of other reasons besides. So that's where I am with that for now, looking around and trying to see what I can find and afford.

Well, now the big ending, what does the scale have to say this week? 230.6, down 3.8 pounds from last week. This puts my overall weight loss since I started tracking my weight regularly at 52.5 pounds, around the weight of a 7 year old child. Keeping a good pace so far, hoping I can keep it up.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 35)

It's Sunday yet again, and time for another weigh-in.

This week was a lot better in terms of over eating than last week. I was a lot better about keeping on top of my portions, which was helped by work since it's hard to overeat when you only have enough time to go to Subway and back. The Subway also helped me with my veggie intake. Bell peppers, onions, and black olives may not be much variety, or really enough in a single sandwich to do much, but it feels better having at least some token amount of veggies on a regular basis.

The other big thing that changed this week is the amount and frequency with which I got fruit. At least every day or two I got at some fresh fruit, be it an apple, a plum, or a peach. Much like the veggies, it may not have been enough to really be useful in realistic terms, but at the least it was enough that I feel better about how much fruit I've been getting in my diet. My diet in general has been looking up of late, and that's something I very much am glad for.

I'm looking forwards very much to when it starts being cool enough around Phoenix for me to go out and get to running. I'm hoping to work on getting some more physical activity into my life outside of just work once the weather works more in my favor. I'm hoping to get to a point where I can successfully run 3 miles. Plotting a route is going to be the hard part, but I'll get that done by the time the weather cools. The other thing I've been looking into is the possibility of getting back into doing some martial arts. I feel like they were a good thing for me both physically and mentally, and something I'd like to get back to doing. So that's where I've been recently in terms of my diet and my exercise.

So now we're down to the numbers again. I feel like I did alright this week, so let's see what the scale says: 234.4 this week, down 5.4 pounds from last week.  Big progress this week, here's hoping I can carry that momentum into next week. Until next time readers, eat well and work your way to the you you want to be.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 34)

Sunday morning again and time for my weigh-in.

Well, this week wasn't too bad in terms of how busy I was. That's a bit surprising, but sometimes it happens. Finally got all the wedding pictures uploaded to Facebook, so that's something. Sadly, I didn't get to as many fruits and veggies this week as I had hoped, though I did get some veggies on my lunches I suppose. Will have to try harder on that next week.

What I wasn't quite so good about this week was eating within my calorie goals. My track record with eating too much has historically been abysmal. Since January when I started actively trying to manage my weight I've been working very hard to force myself to watch my portion sizes. Sometimes I do much better than others with it. This week I've not done quite so well, and I recognize that. I even knew I was doing it when it happened and should have done better policing myself but I just didn't. I guess I just figured "it won't hurt as long as I only do it once or twice", but we'll have to see how that turns out. Either way, I know I shouldn't be doing that and I'm going to need to work that much harder in the future to make sure I don't do that again.

So now, let's see what the scale has to say about my portion control issues. 239.8 this week. Up a pound from last week. So it looks like the scale is in agreement that my portion control was probably not in my favor this week. Just have to stick to it and do better next week. So until then, eat smart and put in the work it takes to get what you need.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Weekly Weigh-in (Week 33)

Well, it's Sunday yet again and that makes it time for my weekly weigh-in.

This week I feel like I did alright. At least partly that was due to the fact that most of my days went about the same. Get up, have a granola bar, go to work, have a 6" sandwich at Subway (either oven roasted chicken breast or buffalo chicken), finish my shift, come home and then have a small, simple, and delicious dinner. Sometimes the shift is in the evening so the dinner at the end becomes lunch in the middle, but for the most part, that's been how things have gone. Fairly consistent and low calorie intake, fairly consistent and relatively high compared to what I had been doing calorie output.

For all that, I feel good. I've got lots of energy, despite the fact that I've had almost no soda or other caffeine that wasn't part of a mixed drink in almost literally months. I'm sleeping well, for once in my life, and that's helping me to be less tired. I want to try and force myself to eat more fruits and veggies I think. My diet has long been lacking that and since the move I've been doing rather well with that. Still not where I'd like to be but making progress. I also want to be cooking more, both for my diet and because I just love cooking. With my work schedule the way it is that may be difficult for now, but I'm hopeful that things will settle down a bit and I can get to the cooking I'd love to be doing.

Well, that's enough about my life for now, and plenty of musing about what to do in the future. So, what does the scale have to say today? 238.8 which is down 1.2 pounds from last week. Continuing in a good direction. So far I'm down 44.3 pounds, which is the approximate weight of a five and a half year old child. That's a good place to be I feel. So for now, I'm just gonna mostly keep what I've been doing, try and work on the fruits, veggies, and cooking, and watch where it takes me. So far, it's been going in the right direction.